Well a good starting point is to look at just what Forex trading is and who the players in this market are. We should also think about just why you should be learning online Forex trading and thinking about starting you own online Forex trading business.
The Forex market (which is sometimes referred to as the FX market and for which the full title is The Foreign Exchange Market) was established as we know it today in 1971 following the demise of fixed currency exchanges. Forex currency trading is conducted around the clock, 5 days a week, and daily currency trades are worth in the region of $1.9 trillion US dollars. This means that the Forex the largest market in the world and puts the major stock markets very firmly into second place.
A world-wide market established to facilitate the buying and selling of currency, the Forex market involves large organizations, such as central governments, commercial companies and international commercial banks as well as smaller players such as brokerage houses and individual brokers.
There is no set location for the market (although there are major trading centers around the world in a number of cities such as London, Frankfurt, New York and Tokyo) but it is essentially an 'over-the-counter' market with the vast majority of trading being conducted by telephone and on the internet.
The exchange of currencies is a central element in supporting global trade and, as the major currencies such as the US dollar (USD), the British pound (GBP), the Euro (EUR), the Japanes yen (JPY) and others move against each other and the foreign currency exchange rate for any given pair of currencies changes, there is the opportunity to make money from currency exchanges.
The major players in the market take advantage of this by buying and selling in deals which often run into many millions of dollars, but the smaller players are also extremely active and often trade in deals of as low as one hundred thousand dollars. And, by trading on the back on the smaller players, individuals can get into the market with a lot less than that!
The fact that even small players can join this market means that, as long as you are prepared to take the time to understand the currency markets and to learn the skills of Forex trading, then, with a little bit of capital to invest, it is possible to enjoy an excellent income from online currency trading.
Despite the fact that you cannot trade on your own and will have to use the services of a Forex broker, you certainly don't need a fortune and many Forex brokers will now allow you to open an online Forex mini account with as little as $250.
The Forex market is a technical market and it does takes a while to come to grips with the basic principles underlying the currency markets, to develop the necessary skills in the use of some of the 'tools of the trade' (like technical and fundamental analysis tools) and to learn Forex currency trading online.
Despite this, you do not have to be an expert in the currency markets to profit from them. As long as you take the time to learn foreign exchange currency trading and put in a bit of effort it is quite easy to gain enough of an understanding to begin making money through Foreign trading online.
Foreign currency trading provides an excellent opportunity for the small investor to make money but learning to trade Forex is essential before heading out into the market.
Through a large and growing collection of articles covering everything from the history of foreign currency trading to fundamental and technical analysis, psychology and strategies, tools and software we aim to help you learn to day trade Forex quickly and easily.
So, click on over our Forex articles collection and learn all about currency trading today!
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Cara Membuka Account Valas di Marketiva
Untuk mendaftar, silahkan klik disini. Setelah terbuka, klik Open Account, isilah data diri Anda secara lengkap. Untuk field dengan tanda * (bintang) harus Anda isi, yang lain boleh Anda kosongkan.
Username: pilihlah username yang indah, karena akan Anda gunakan untuk chatting dengan sesama trader, misalnya: cinta, cantik, handsome, dsb.
Password: minimal 8 karakter gabungan huruf dan angka.
First Name: isi nama depan Anda.
Last Name: isi nama belakang Anda, jika nama Anda hanya terdiri dari satu suku kata, masukkan nama Anda tersebut di field First Name dan Last Name. Contoh: jika nama Anda adalah Fitri, maka masukkan First Name: Fitri, Last Name: Fitri.
Untuk data alamat isikan sesuai dengan KTP Anda.
E-mail: diisi alamat e-mail Anda yang masih aktif.
PERHATIAN: Seluruh data diri yang Anda isikan harus sama dengan KTP, karena akan dilakukan proses verifikasi untuk bisa melakukan transaksi forex trading (trading valas).
Setelah selesai mengisi, klik tombol Continue
* User Template: pilih Standar Forex Trader.
* Coupon: boleh dikosongkan.
* Recovery Question: pilih yang paling cocok dengan Anda, misalnya Anda memiliki kucing dengan nama manis, maka pilih: What is your pet's name?
* Recovery Answer: dalam contoh ini maka jawaban anda adalah: manis
Setelah selesai mengisi, klik tombol next>
Berilah tanda chek pada pilihan: I have read, understood, and agree with the Service Agreement under which Marketiva Corporation provides it services and products. I have also read and understood the Risk Disclosure statement and I am willing and able to assume such risks.
Setelah itu klik tombol [finish]. Maka proses pendaftaran Anda sudah selesai.
Setelah Anda mendaftar, yang harus segera lakukan adalah mengupload data diri Anda untuk diverifikasi, Anda hanya diizinkan membuka satu account. Segera scan KTP/SIM/KTM atau identitas yang lain bolak balik. Scan data harus berwarna dan masing-masing file ukurannya maksimal 100kb, jadi sewaktu scan, resolusi di set ke 72-100 dpi saja.
Cara mengupload file :
1.Setelah file sudah siap, untuk mengupload silahkan klik disini.
2.Isikan username dan Password yang telah anda daftarkan di Marketiva. Kemudian klik Log on.
3.Di picture identification (kolom atas) silahkan browse file gambar depan KTP/SIM/KTM anda. Address confirmation images (kolom bawah), silahkan browse gambar belakang KTP/KTM/SIM Anda.
Anda tidak bisa melakukan penarikan dana sebelum melakukan identifikasi, dan ada kemungkinan account Anda di-suspend (dibekukan) jika Anda menggunakan komputer dengan IP address yang sama dengan trader lain.
Setelah anda berhasil mengupload data, sebaiknya jangan menginstall dan mendownload stremster terlebih dahulu. Konfirmasikan dulu status account anda ke Live Support, caranya tinggal klik Live Support dilay out website Marketiva . Isikan username yang telah anda buat kemudian klik connect, kemudian ketik pertanyaan anda, misalnya "Saya sudah upload foto dengan username xxx Mohon dicek apakah Account saya sudah OK". Setelah dinyatakan Ok, silahkan install dan download streamster server ke komputer anda
Untuk memulai transaksi forex trading (valas trading) di Marketiva , Anda memerlukan software Streamster, silakan Download dengan cara klik disini kemudian pilih get streamster (dengan meng-klik tulisan Streamster™ Installation Package yang di dalam kotakan), lalu klik save dan install di komputer Anda. Setelah selesai Anda download/ download complete, klik Run 2x => Next, kemudian beri tanda centang dengan mengklik kotakan kecil disebelah kiri tulisan Yes, I accept the above agreement, => klik Next 2 x => Finish. Sekarang kita sudah bisa Sign in, caranya double klik shortcut logo Marketiva di Desktop komputer anda, isi username dan password yang baru saja Anda buat => Sign in.
Setelah Anda login masuklah ke room chat international dan Indonesia, caranya klik tombol groups di bagian atas jendela streamster, tunggu sebentar sampai ditampilkan daftar room yang ada, pilih international dan indonesia, klik OK, maka otomatis Anda masuk room international dan indonesia. Untuk mulai bertransaksi, bertanyalah kepada support personel dari Marketiva menggunakan bahasa indonesia, boleh di room international maupun di room indonesia. Support personel adalah orang dengan nick yang ada huruf ' i ' (information) di depan nicknya, mereka akan membantu Anda memahami cara-cara bertransaksi di Marketiva .
Seperti yang telah dijanjikan oleh Marketiva, bahwa Marketiva memang memberikan cash reward $5 real money (modal awal beneran). Namun jika kita pertama kali membuka account maka dana Live Forex (Margin yang nanti akan menjadi modal awal live trading kita) akan mengendap $2.5 di Live Funds. Begitu juga dana Virtual Forex (Margin yang nanti akan menjadi modal awal virtual/simulasi trading kita) akan mengendap $10000 di Virtual Funds. Kita harus transferkan dana Live Funds ke Live Forex dan Virtual Funds ke Virtual Forex.
Caranya, Sign in ke Streamster server Marketiva, isikan username dan password, klik sign in. Setelah terbuka layout Account Trading kita, silahkan mengikuti langkah - langkah berikut :
1. Klik Account Center => pilih Transfer Funds => Isikan From Desk diisi Live Funds, To Desk diisi Live Forex, Amount diisi jumlah yang akan ditransfer (2.50) => klik Transfer => klik Confirm => Selesai.
2. Klik Account Center => pilih Transfer Funds => Isikan From Desk diisi Virtual Funds, To Desk diisi Virtual Forex, Amount diisi jumlah yang akan ditransfer (10000) => klik Transfer => klik Confirm => Selesai.
Untuk mendaftar, silahkan klik disini. Setelah terbuka, klik Open Account, isilah data diri Anda secara lengkap. Untuk field dengan tanda * (bintang) harus Anda isi, yang lain boleh Anda kosongkan.
Username: pilihlah username yang indah, karena akan Anda gunakan untuk chatting dengan sesama trader, misalnya: cinta, cantik, handsome, dsb.
Password: minimal 8 karakter gabungan huruf dan angka.
First Name: isi nama depan Anda.
Last Name: isi nama belakang Anda, jika nama Anda hanya terdiri dari satu suku kata, masukkan nama Anda tersebut di field First Name dan Last Name. Contoh: jika nama Anda adalah Fitri, maka masukkan First Name: Fitri, Last Name: Fitri.
Untuk data alamat isikan sesuai dengan KTP Anda.
E-mail: diisi alamat e-mail Anda yang masih aktif.
PERHATIAN: Seluruh data diri yang Anda isikan harus sama dengan KTP, karena akan dilakukan proses verifikasi untuk bisa melakukan transaksi forex trading (trading valas).
Setelah selesai mengisi, klik tombol Continue
* User Template: pilih Standar Forex Trader.
* Coupon: boleh dikosongkan.
* Recovery Question: pilih yang paling cocok dengan Anda, misalnya Anda memiliki kucing dengan nama manis, maka pilih: What is your pet's name?
* Recovery Answer: dalam contoh ini maka jawaban anda adalah: manis
Setelah selesai mengisi, klik tombol next>
Berilah tanda chek pada pilihan: I have read, understood, and agree with the Service Agreement under which Marketiva Corporation provides it services and products. I have also read and understood the Risk Disclosure statement and I am willing and able to assume such risks.
Setelah itu klik tombol [finish]. Maka proses pendaftaran Anda sudah selesai.
Setelah Anda mendaftar, yang harus segera lakukan adalah mengupload data diri Anda untuk diverifikasi, Anda hanya diizinkan membuka satu account. Segera scan KTP/SIM/KTM atau identitas yang lain bolak balik. Scan data harus berwarna dan masing-masing file ukurannya maksimal 100kb, jadi sewaktu scan, resolusi di set ke 72-100 dpi saja.
Cara mengupload file :
1.Setelah file sudah siap, untuk mengupload silahkan klik disini.
2.Isikan username dan Password yang telah anda daftarkan di Marketiva. Kemudian klik Log on.
3.Di picture identification (kolom atas) silahkan browse file gambar depan KTP/SIM/KTM anda. Address confirmation images (kolom bawah), silahkan browse gambar belakang KTP/KTM/SIM Anda.
Anda tidak bisa melakukan penarikan dana sebelum melakukan identifikasi, dan ada kemungkinan account Anda di-suspend (dibekukan) jika Anda menggunakan komputer dengan IP address yang sama dengan trader lain.
Setelah anda berhasil mengupload data, sebaiknya jangan menginstall dan mendownload stremster terlebih dahulu. Konfirmasikan dulu status account anda ke Live Support, caranya tinggal klik Live Support dilay out website Marketiva . Isikan username yang telah anda buat kemudian klik connect, kemudian ketik pertanyaan anda, misalnya "Saya sudah upload foto dengan username xxx Mohon dicek apakah Account saya sudah OK". Setelah dinyatakan Ok, silahkan install dan download streamster server ke komputer anda
Untuk memulai transaksi forex trading (valas trading) di Marketiva , Anda memerlukan software Streamster, silakan Download dengan cara klik disini kemudian pilih get streamster (dengan meng-klik tulisan Streamster™ Installation Package yang di dalam kotakan), lalu klik save dan install di komputer Anda. Setelah selesai Anda download/ download complete, klik Run 2x => Next, kemudian beri tanda centang dengan mengklik kotakan kecil disebelah kiri tulisan Yes, I accept the above agreement, => klik Next 2 x => Finish. Sekarang kita sudah bisa Sign in, caranya double klik shortcut logo Marketiva di Desktop komputer anda, isi username dan password yang baru saja Anda buat => Sign in.
Setelah Anda login masuklah ke room chat international dan Indonesia, caranya klik tombol groups di bagian atas jendela streamster, tunggu sebentar sampai ditampilkan daftar room yang ada, pilih international dan indonesia, klik OK, maka otomatis Anda masuk room international dan indonesia. Untuk mulai bertransaksi, bertanyalah kepada support personel dari Marketiva menggunakan bahasa indonesia, boleh di room international maupun di room indonesia. Support personel adalah orang dengan nick yang ada huruf ' i ' (information) di depan nicknya, mereka akan membantu Anda memahami cara-cara bertransaksi di Marketiva .
Seperti yang telah dijanjikan oleh Marketiva, bahwa Marketiva memang memberikan cash reward $5 real money (modal awal beneran). Namun jika kita pertama kali membuka account maka dana Live Forex (Margin yang nanti akan menjadi modal awal live trading kita) akan mengendap $2.5 di Live Funds. Begitu juga dana Virtual Forex (Margin yang nanti akan menjadi modal awal virtual/simulasi trading kita) akan mengendap $10000 di Virtual Funds. Kita harus transferkan dana Live Funds ke Live Forex dan Virtual Funds ke Virtual Forex.
Caranya, Sign in ke Streamster server Marketiva, isikan username dan password, klik sign in. Setelah terbuka layout Account Trading kita, silahkan mengikuti langkah - langkah berikut :
1. Klik Account Center => pilih Transfer Funds => Isikan From Desk diisi Live Funds, To Desk diisi Live Forex, Amount diisi jumlah yang akan ditransfer (2.50) => klik Transfer => klik Confirm => Selesai.
2. Klik Account Center => pilih Transfer Funds => Isikan From Desk diisi Virtual Funds, To Desk diisi Virtual Forex, Amount diisi jumlah yang akan ditransfer (10000) => klik Transfer => klik Confirm => Selesai.
Forex Software
MB Trading Adds COMEX Symbols
Traders who use the award-winning MBT Navigator online trading platform by MB Trading (MBT) will be thrilled to know that the financial services company has added COMEX symbols to its trading platform. COMEX symbols are primarily used in the trading of metals and include full-size Gold, Silver, Copper and Aluminium and MiNY Gold, Silver, and copper. Traders interested in seeing the full list of symbols, contracts, and margin requirements are invited to go to the MB Trading website.
MB Trading believes that by adding the COMEX symbols, traders will be able to see just how flexible the MBT Navigator and its routing system actually is. States Ross Ditlove, the CEO of MB Trading, “We can combine the breadth of our execution algorithms and trading platform with our relationships with key exchanges to expand our offerings and provide traders around the globe with access to an ever-expanding variety of symbols. As the world’s trading markets become more and more interconnected, we’re poised to provide any solution that traders need in one reliable package.”
Forex Robots
If you are looking for a way to start making money at Forex trading rather quickly, you may want to consider investing in a Forex robot, especially one that works with and integrates seamlessly with Metatrader4. These robots are not R2-D2 and C-3PO, but small pieces of software that can be added to your Forex trading program, configured to your needs and set on autopilot. They will work on your Forex trades for you so that you do not need to be tethered to the computer twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week making trade after trade after trade.
There is some question as to how profitable Forex robots really are. So far their numbers look great on paper and they seem to have an impressive performance record already. But as with everything else, there is no fool proof plan to making money and each of these robots works differently than the other. You should always research each of the robots that are available on the market in order to understand whether or not other users have found them to perform adequately. Much of the data that is provided about these little program snippets may or may not be accurate because you have no way of knowing whether or not the program has actually back-tested.
You may hear that these Forex robots are a scam, but there are reputable ones that have been put through their paces and have traded money for their owners successfully. The ones that have been back-tested over the last few years are operating as efficiently today as they were when they first hit the Forex scene. You will not know how well it will work for you, though, unless you buy it and test it out. Always verify that there is a refund policy with the robot in the event that you have to return for failure to work. If there is a demo account available, take it for a Forex trading drive and see how it works. If it is one you wish to keep, you usually only have to purchase an unlock style key code to open up the whole program.
Forex robots are not going to produce large and outrageous amount of money for you or even do it in one quick shot. Instead, the ones that seem to work the best are the ones that steadily increase your money over the long run, producing profits that are both slow and steady. Try to purchase one that has a track record for making more winning calls than losses and includes a stop loss strategy. These are usually the best for ensuring that you will have long-term profits while the system is in place. They will also give you the automatic trade option, allowing you to hang out at the pool while your money increases.
Traders who use the award-winning MBT Navigator online trading platform by MB Trading (MBT) will be thrilled to know that the financial services company has added COMEX symbols to its trading platform. COMEX symbols are primarily used in the trading of metals and include full-size Gold, Silver, Copper and Aluminium and MiNY Gold, Silver, and copper. Traders interested in seeing the full list of symbols, contracts, and margin requirements are invited to go to the MB Trading website.
MB Trading believes that by adding the COMEX symbols, traders will be able to see just how flexible the MBT Navigator and its routing system actually is. States Ross Ditlove, the CEO of MB Trading, “We can combine the breadth of our execution algorithms and trading platform with our relationships with key exchanges to expand our offerings and provide traders around the globe with access to an ever-expanding variety of symbols. As the world’s trading markets become more and more interconnected, we’re poised to provide any solution that traders need in one reliable package.”
Forex Robots
If you are looking for a way to start making money at Forex trading rather quickly, you may want to consider investing in a Forex robot, especially one that works with and integrates seamlessly with Metatrader4. These robots are not R2-D2 and C-3PO, but small pieces of software that can be added to your Forex trading program, configured to your needs and set on autopilot. They will work on your Forex trades for you so that you do not need to be tethered to the computer twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week making trade after trade after trade.
There is some question as to how profitable Forex robots really are. So far their numbers look great on paper and they seem to have an impressive performance record already. But as with everything else, there is no fool proof plan to making money and each of these robots works differently than the other. You should always research each of the robots that are available on the market in order to understand whether or not other users have found them to perform adequately. Much of the data that is provided about these little program snippets may or may not be accurate because you have no way of knowing whether or not the program has actually back-tested.
You may hear that these Forex robots are a scam, but there are reputable ones that have been put through their paces and have traded money for their owners successfully. The ones that have been back-tested over the last few years are operating as efficiently today as they were when they first hit the Forex scene. You will not know how well it will work for you, though, unless you buy it and test it out. Always verify that there is a refund policy with the robot in the event that you have to return for failure to work. If there is a demo account available, take it for a Forex trading drive and see how it works. If it is one you wish to keep, you usually only have to purchase an unlock style key code to open up the whole program.
Forex robots are not going to produce large and outrageous amount of money for you or even do it in one quick shot. Instead, the ones that seem to work the best are the ones that steadily increase your money over the long run, producing profits that are both slow and steady. Try to purchase one that has a track record for making more winning calls than losses and includes a stop loss strategy. These are usually the best for ensuring that you will have long-term profits while the system is in place. They will also give you the automatic trade option, allowing you to hang out at the pool while your money increases.
The forex: The largest market in the world
The forex market is the largest financial market in the world, trading around $1.5 trillion each day. Trading in the forex is not done at one central location but is conducted between participants through electronic communication networks (ECNs) and phone networks in various markets around the world. The FX market is considered an Over The Counter (OTC) or ‘interbank/interdealer’ market, due to the fact that transactions are conducted between two counterparts over the telephone or via an electronic network. Trading is not centralized on an exchange, as with the stock and futures markets.
Currency is also needed around the world for international trade, as well as by central banks and global businesses. Central banks have relied on foreign-exchange markets since 1971 - when fixed-currency markets ceased to exist because the gold standard was dropped. Since that time, most international currencies have been “floated”, rather than pegged to the value of gold.
Currency is also needed around the world for international trade, as well as by central banks and global businesses. Central banks have relied on foreign-exchange markets since 1971 - when fixed-currency markets ceased to exist because the gold standard was dropped. Since that time, most international currencies have been “floated”, rather than pegged to the value of gold.
The Forex and Central Banks
Central banks seek to stabilize their country’s currency by trading it on the open market and keeping a relative value compared to other world currencies. To do this, they enter into currency swaps, giving them the right to buy a set amount of a foreign currency for a set price in another currency in the future. doing this, they are limiting their exposure to large fluctuations in currency valuations. At each second of every day, countries’ economies are growing and shrinking because of economic and political instability and infinite other perpetual changes. Businesses seek to mitigate the risks of doing business in foreign markets
Domestic stock, bond and commodity exchanges are not as relevant, or in need, on the international stage and are not required to trade beyond the standard business day in the issuer’s home country. Due to the focus on the domestic market, demand for trade in these markets is not high enough to justify opening 24 hours a day, as few shares would be traded at 3am, for example.
Domestic stock, bond and commodity exchanges are not as relevant, or in need, on the international stage and are not required to trade beyond the standard business day in the issuer’s home country. Due to the focus on the domestic market, demand for trade in these markets is not high enough to justify opening 24 hours a day, as few shares would be traded at 3am, for example.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Make Money Online - Without Spending a Dime

Even with no product and no Web site, you can get paid for what and who you know
Making money online used to pretty much require you to have your own Web site, products to sell and some marketing savvy. But a new generation of dot-coms have arisen that will pay you for what you know and who you know without you having to be a web designer or a marketing genius.
But it's hard to tell hype from the real deal. I did a search on make money online and making money online, and much of the information out there is just promoting various infoproducts, mostly about Internet marketing. I see why people sometimes ask, Is anyone making money online besides Internet marketing experts?
So I put together a list of business opportunities with legitimate companies that:
* Pay cash, not just points towards rewards or a chance to win money
* Don't require you to have your own Web domain or your own products
* Don't involve any hard-selling
* Aren't just promoting more Internet marketing
* Give a good return on your time investment
In the interest of objectivity, none of the links below are affiliate links, and none of them have paid or provided any other consideration for their presence here. These are legitimate companies with business models that allow you to get paid for a wide range of activities. - Scott Allen -
Foreign Exchange Market - What is FOREX ?

FOREX (FOReign EXchange market) is an international foreign exchange market, where money is sold and bought freely. In its present condition FOREX was launched in the 1970s, when free exchange rates were introduced, and only the participants of the market determine the price of one currency against the other proceeding from supply and demand.
As far as the freedom from any external control and free competition are concerned, FOREX is a perfect market. It is also the biggest liquid financial market. According to various assessments, money masses in the market constitute from 1 to 1.5 trillion US dollars a day. (It is impossible to determine an absolutely exact number because trading is not centralized on an exchange.) Transactions are conducted all over the world via telecommunications 24 hours a day from 00:00 GMT on Monday to 10:00 pm GMT on Friday. Practically in every time zone (that is, in Frankfurt-on-Main, London, New York, Tokyo, Hong Kong, etc.) there are dealers who will quote currencies.
FOREX is a more objective market, because if some of its participants would like to change prices, for some manipulative purpose, they would have to operate with tens of billions dollars. That is why any influence by a single participants in the market is practically out of the question. The superior liquidity allows the traders to open and/or close positions within a few seconds. The time of keeping a position is arbitrary and has no limits: from several seconds to many years. It depends only on your trading strategies. Although the daily fluctuations of currencies are rather insignificant, you may use the credit lines, that are accessible even to currency speculators with small capitals ($ 1,000 - 5,000), where the profit may be impressive. (You can learn more about it in the section: The main principles of trading.)
The idea of marginal trading stems from the fact that in FOREX speculative interests can be satisfied without a real money supply. This decreases overhead expenses for transferring money and gives an opportunity to open positions with a small account in US dollars, buying and selling a lot of other currencies. That is, on can conduct transactions very quickly, getting a big profit, when the exchange rates go up or down. Many speculative transactions in the international financial markets are made on the principles of marginal trading.
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