To make matters worse, many traders typically utilize only one or two technical indicators to identify market direction and trade-timing. This one-size-fits-all approach leaves them exposed to the trend/no-trend paradox – an indicator that works well in trending markets can give disastrous results in sideways markets and vice versa. As a result, individual traders frequently find themselves exiting positions too early and missing out on larger moves as a bigger trend unfolds. Conversely, traders may end up holding onto a short-term position for too long following a reversal, believing they are "with the trend," when no trend exists.
To avoid getting caught in the paradox, this article will suggest using several technical tools in conjunction to determine whether or not a trend is in place. This will in turn dictate which technical indicators are best used to gauge entry/exit points as well as provide some risk management guidance. Rather than setting forth a list of concrete trading rules, this article seeks to outline a dynamic approach to the use of technical analysis to avoid getting caught in the trend/no-trend paradox.